First my husband added additional soil from another excavation site on the property. Then he and I made field trips scouring the surrounding countryside for large rocks that we hauled back (three at a time) in his van and added to the slope. I also purchased three identical very large hollow faux rocks that are made by a Wisconsin firm that also created faux rocks for the Milwaukee County Zoo. The faux rocks look very real and I positioned the three of them in different poses so as they don't look alike at all. Of the field rocks we collected, one has a huge chunk of quartz attached and another has a hollowed out natural seat.
At this point my husband stepped back and I completed the scene. I selected rock garden plants that spread, that grow an average of 6 to 7 inches high, various colours, drought resistant, in short easy to no care required. And, so the plants have grown together forming colour blankets over the rocks. All plants are very hardy in Wisconsin winters. Take a look!
From all directions this Rock Garden looks fantastic! A few of the plants have not bloomed yet for example, the miniature pinks that smell so devine! And, all who see this garden assume it has taken mega years to establish...but YOU know better!
your rock garden looks fabulous. Gardening is one thing I do NOT do - every indoor plant turns black. But I do appreciate drooling over someone else's and I really enjoy your efforts. Your peonies are amazing too and I can just smell the roses outside your sewing room! Thanks for posting.