Next are my two heathers. One is white and one is pink. The honey bees ADORE these flowers which bloom for weeks and weeks. Very cold tolerant they are one of the first plants to bloom in the Spring and I many times get a second blooming period in the cooler Fall.
The Lenten Rose or some of my hellebores are next. I have pink purple and white ones which I ADORE because of their simple beauty and reliability. They do make good cut flowers but so far I have been letting them go to seed and so they are spreading. These early bloomers many times have snow surrounding them and yet they preserver.
To date I have small leaves on most of my trees and shrubs. My herbaceous peonies are up 6 to 8 inches, daffodils in white and yellow, pink tulips, blue scilla, and my beautiful pink star magnolias are blooming so sweet to the nose and bees. And, you might remember my white moth orchid previously posted when it first opened. Well, here are some more pictures of that as the rest of the flower stalk has opened. Of course, that orchid is inside now but it will be set outdoors in June.
Pretty grand looking, yes? What you are seeing in this picture is actually the orchid and its reflection in a mirror.
Now for a few pictures of Bon Bon. See how he is growing? He ADORES the warm sun on his back and he likes to play with his toys on the deck. You could say that he is blooming too! See the previous post and don't forget to enter his give away.
Any comments? Bon Bon wants to hear back from you.
I did not realize heathers could grow in Zone 5!?
ReplyDeleteHow long have you had these 2 heathers? They are certainly nice and lush. Looks like Bon Bon is soaking up the sun!