Thursday, April 22, 2010

Week 3 of Spring In The Garden

More pictures to show you how rapidly my garden is changing and setting itself up for 2010.  Here are scarlet parrot tulips.

Virginia Bluebells that the bees LOVE and that totally disappear back into the ground when finished blooming.  Back in the 80's I received a handfull of these from my father-in-law.  I moved them in 2000 from my former home to this one.  See how they have multiplied!
Bon Bon exploring Spring!
See how the waterlily pond continues to grow!  Leaves are starting to green and multiply.
And here is the Robin's nest with three eggs in it now!
My beautiful flowering quince that I also force in the Winter.  This year it is totally covered with bloom!
The creeping phox.
Species tulips.
Rock garden plants.
And, there you have it!  All plants were planted by me. 


  1. Oh how it has gotten more colorful since I saw it a few days ago! Great pics Candy! I love spring! :) ( and BonBon is a favorite of mine as well) ;) I so love your gardens!

  2. Again- a big wow, Candy! This is a fabulous garden. How long have you been gardening there?


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